Sunday, April 22, 2012

Stream of Consciousness Rant: Abortion Pt 1

 So I've been reading about all of this abortion stuff in the news. You've got all the republicans saying stupid shit and all the liberals in uproar.

With all of the media buzz, I have been thinking about government regulation of our rights especially the abortion hot topic. Should there be regulations on abortion? Yes. But to protect whom?

The unborn child who didn't ask to be here? The young rape victim attacked on her way home from school? The ill mother who risks her life if she gives birth? But what about the woman who just wasn't ready to be a mother, financially or otherwise?

What should be evaluated by the woman before she chooses to have an abortion:
Mental health
Was there a traumatic experience that lead to the pregnancy she's now trying end? Is her reasoning sound (in a logical sense, open minded, but not sociopath sense)? Will the abortion cause more psychological damage than relief?

Affect on the woman's life
Can the woman have the abortion safely? What might the aftermath look like?

Financial capability
can the family afford to have a child?

Why does she need or want to have one?


What should be regulated by the government:
The Timeline
-regulating how late in pregnancy you can safely have an abortion
-once the child is formed and the sex is formed (during month 3), it's probs too late to abort. I don't think it's safe for the mother at this point...and it's kinda gruesome. Like you can see the entire shape of the baby and should probably just have it and give it up for adoption.
Here's the timeline I referenced.

Where the real problem lies:

Educating our kids about safe sex and birth control
-Schools teaching abstinence-only health education are being negligent. I'm not saying abstinence is not a viable option. However, the fact of the matter is that not educating children is about ALL of their options just means that when they do have sex they will be unprepared. Kids are having sex in high school and sometimes middle school. They should be informed of the risks and responsibilities before they engage in any sex acts in order to encourage a healthy relationship with sex.

-Educating kids about sex and birth control measures also prevents folks from using abortion as a main form of birth control
One of my college roommate's told me a story about a girl who did just that.  She got pregnant in high school twice and had an abortion twice...but refused to use a condom because it didn't feel good...or the pill because it would make her fat...

Like I told my sister, "You know what doesn't feel good? CHILD BIRTH! You know what'll make you fat? PREGNANCY!"

GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE! Sorry that story still pisses me off. Now while that is perhaps an extreme case, we must avoid these kinds of situations

Why is everyone trying to regulate women's bodies, but when someone suggests regulating men's bodies it's some big joke?

Did you ever see Legally Blonde? It came out 2001 and starred Reese Witherspoon as a "dumb" blonde on a quest to get her man back after he dumps her. The ex-bf leaves sunny California for Harvard Law and a more sensible type of woman for his future career goals.

In this scene, the students debate a stalking case in which a man seeks to claim parental rights over a child produce from his sperm bank sperm.

Elle: For that matter, any masturbatory emissions, where the sperm is clearly not seeking an egg, could be termed reckless abandonment.
Professor Callahan: You've just won your case.

So let's look at this a sec. Warner's finishing line was without the male's sperm there could be no baby...

What the fuck kinda shit is that? So in my mind I've shifted my thinking to another video. Flash forward. It's 2012 and Republican men seem especially caught up in telling me if I use hormonal birth control I'm a whore and that if I abort I'm a murderer. They want to insist I have zero claim to my body...because it's not about me; it's about the children of the future.

Without my egg there could be no baby.

So legislation is being drawn to regulate what the hell I can and can't do with my body. Like, here's the thing. Just cuz women can get abortions doesn't mean they're gettin em done every time they get pregnant. They don't just wake up and say hey! I'm preggers let's go check out that new abortion clinic that opened up downtown...  Abortions don't spell the end of the human race. Give women a lot more credit than that.  At the end of the day, if a woman gets pregnant, she has to weigh her options.
She's got to think about what she wants from her life and how a baby would fit into that. She's got to assess whether or not she is able to raise a child and whether the partner is ready/ able to shoulder that responsibility as well. A baby is a RESPONSIBILITY. If you're not in a place to handle it...then sometimes an abortion is the RESPONSIBLE thing to do.

Now. Here come women saying, fuck you! You wanna regulate my body? We're gonna regulate yours. Because after all, without your sperm, there could be no baby.

I think this John Stewart clip "Bro Choice" encapsulates my point:

Sounds a bit like the Legally Blonde clip, no?  So yea, it was funny...hee hee ain't that funny. This what's really happening right now. Men are being forced to think about what if they're body's were being controlled...and they think it's some big fucking joke. The shit ain't funny.

Let's see what Ohio Senator Nina Turner says:

While, this is a bit tongue in cheek, she's hitting on some real points. Men aren't very responsible in how they use Viagra. I know 24 yr old guys with zero erectile problems who've used it just to get that 4 hour erection they mention in the warnings.  But the actual point was that women shouldn't need a permission slip to live their lives. I've already said that women shouldn't be using abortion like the pill, but with proper education of all of the methods of birth control girls and women can make educated decisions before and after they get pregnant.

I can see where both sides are coming from. Babies don't have a say when they're conceived or born and we have a right to protect the voiceless. However, we can't afford to overlook the already living breathing, feeling women. What about their voices and needs? The fact that we live in a patriarchal society only hinders the progress on reproductive rights legislation because biological men don't carry babies and therefore any opinion they voice to regulate women's repro rights feels condescending and uniformed. They don't necessarily understand how it feels to be constantly poked and prodded and judged based on their beauty or lack there of. Women's beauty is scrutinized. We have to measure up to a man's standard. Even in lesbian communities, especially those of color, you can see very hetero-normative gender roles/ views of relationships. It's in our magazines. On our TVs. In our day to day lives. We are barraged by images of the "perfect" woman and first analyzed based on everything from our clothes to whether we rid our bodies of hair or not.  From birth our parents try to instill feminine sensibilities. With this constant focus on our bodies, it's hard not to be pissed off about men dictating something as big as birthing when they already dictate such minute details.

OK. So I don't know that there'll be a part 2 to this any time soon. But this is what flowed out of my head so far. It just really upsets me that it's not an equal opportunity thing. If women need evaluation before abortions and birth control and all that shit, then men should be evaluated before they are able to purchase Viagra. Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is often a mental problem. Viagra, like abortion, can't be a quick fix. We need to get to the root of the situation before we act. But the main point is neither gender has the right to make decisions for the other and people should try to have a more complete/ objective view of the issue before they take sides.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

DIY Sex toys and games

So it would seem I'm really bad at this deadline thing, but I promise I'll work on it.

Ok. I've been thinking a lot about sex (shocker!), but mostly about intimacy. So this segment about sex toys will be colored by a slightly romantic, extremely nostalgic tone.

Diving right in. Why do people use sex toys?
  • To add excitement
  • One partner was interested in spicing up the relationship
  • People are into diff shit and sometimes like to try shit/ need certain things to get off
  • They feel good
I bet there are a whole host of other reasons, but these are the first 4 that come to mind. People like the idea of having interesting sex. It drives them to try new sexual positions, bring food into the bedroom, and even invite 3rd, 4th, or 5th parties.

It's natural to want to satisfy your partner no matter who he or she may be.

When introducing new things/ people into relationships, it is important to follow 3 tenets:
  • Be creative
    • Instead of immediately going to the sex shop, think of things you and your partner can do together. A personalized sex gift is less daunting than something you saw in porno and thought was kinky
  • Be respectful
    • All parties should respect any boundaries that may exist. Just because you agree to try something, doesn't mean you'll like it. Be mindful and aware of a shift in appeal of whatever act you're trying
  • Be communicative
    • Check in. Make sure everyone is still enjoying themselves. Sometimes early communication is the best way to avoid awkward moments during the acts.

Now, I know you're thinking, "Hurry up and tell me how to make sex toys!" OK OK, Jeez Louise.  I learned some of this stuff from a seminar by porn star Madison Young.
The rest is taken from life trial and error.
Sex Games

One of the best anniversary presents I've ever gotten was a homemade sex board game. She made it so it had sex act prizes that were redeemable, like being tied up using either zip ties or rope. It was cute, appealed to my love of bondage and my competitive nature. Above all she MADE IT FROM SCRATCH! Like really, I saw the floor plans for this game....MAJORLY THOUGHTFUL.

Best part is you can use anything around the house and make up any rules you want. I've made up sex versions of Kings (The card drinking game) and cool games using dice.  Remix your favorite game. It's fun.


Personally, unless you already have some handcuffs lying around, I have no idea why people buy them just for restraint. Like if you're doing cops and robbers role play, or you have a thing for metal...that's different. But just to tie someone up? Hell no. Handcuffs cost anywhere from like $10-40 and if you get yourself locked in those bitches it's tricky to get out without the key.

Zip ties, on the other hand, are $20 for a pack of 1000 at home depot....see the difference? And if get sick of em you can just cut that shit off.

But if it's the reuseable quality you seek, belts, rope, ties, and scarves are all highly functional alternatives to handcuffs.

If you take 2 long ropes (each measuring just a bit longer than the diagonal of your mattress) and tie them together in middle (should look like a huge X)

Slip in under your mattress so that two of the arms of the X are by the headboard and the others by your feet. Et Voila, wrist and ankle restraints. You could even get creative to avoid having to tie the ropes. When you're not using them, just tuck them under the mattress for later.


I guess the first question would be what kind of pain are you looking for? Stingy like getting hit by a switch from your grandma's backyard or getting spanked by a belt? Or more thuddy like a punch in the arm or an open palmed smack on the ass?

For more stingy pain maybe try a thin whippy dowel. Dowels come in various shapes and sizes: the smaller creating a sensation much like being hit with a whip, the larger creating a thuddy pain akin to being caned. The best part is they range from $0.75 to like $3 at home depot.

Or you could try lumber. Sand a 2x4. Create a safe word. Have at it.

Nipple Clamps

My 2 favorites are bobby pins and clothes pins, though I did just buy clamps from Babeland
The beauty of the bobby pin is that it leaves the nipple accessible. The nice thing about the clothes pin is it gets tighter and you can add a bunch. In fact you can put clothes pins pretty much anywhere that suits your fancy.

It doesn't matter how kinky or tame you are. There are ways for everyone to learn new things about themselves sexually. Be creative. There is no end to the things you can make. Making your own toys can make the acts more meaningful, not to mention possibly saving you money on something that you'll both enjoy.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Nip Confusion

Hey Hey!
So...I've been on a little bit of a work binge. Hence the lack of posts. BUT. I'm going to try to post every Sunday.

Cool. On that note...
OK. So something that's been on my mind recently is how different everyone's nipples are. They come in all sorts of fun sizes! They can be long or short. Circular or slightly more oval. Hidden or pronounced. They can be tiny little chocolate chips or plump gumdrops.

But wait there's more!

They come in all these awesome color variations and textures and levels of sensitivity. AND they're fun to play with! Why? Because of all the things that can be done.

*stares into the distance*

Nibbling and sucking, or squeezing and licking, cov'ring in cream or just gently flicking. Pinching and clamping or pulling their rings (these are a few of my favorite things...)

But I think what most intrigues me is the level of sensitivity or responsiveness. Like have you ever been tonguing a nipple, knowing the girl isn't all that sensitive or interested in you doing that, but you keep going because you enjoy her breasts? No? That just me being selfish again? Oops.  Well the point is, you start out doing it for your boo thinking it's something that's going to stimulate and arouse them, just to realize you are doing NOTHING for them.  Do ya stop licking nips altogether? Or do ya try to figure out how they like them to be handled if at all?

Conversely, you've got the folks with uber super duper sensitive nips, we'll call them the insta-responders. Ya breathe too hard on them and the girl (or guy I suppose) might climax on the spot.  Which may just be one of the most validating, ego boosters in the sex world. Why? Because it makes you feel sexy. Like they're so attracted to you that the moment you so much as rub her nipples through her shirt she's ready to let you explore her. And who doesn't want to feel wanted? Then there's the teasing aspect. You take a piece of ice or something and kind of just fuck with her for shits and giggles. It's a total power trip. Albeit a little rude.

But then you have the in-betweeners. The ones who you can sometimes get a rise out of, but other times it almost feels like a waste of energy to touch the nipples at all. In my experience, they generally like breast play i.e. a hard palming of the entire breast, but may not always respond to direct nipple contact. I feel like you could almost lick circles around the nip (without touching it much) and be in business. But you can't not touch them, cuz you never know when they want you to take that initiative.

However, my absolute favorites are rough touchers. Because they like their breasts and nipples to be handled roughly. No holds barred. Hard biting, yanking chains attached to taut nipple by two bobby-pin-esque nipple clamps, pinching, smacking, twisting....*Deep inhale*

Anyway. You see my point.

Regardless of the nipples, I don't think the goal of sex is to get off. Orgasm tends to be a cool side effect of sex. If you think about it, sex is about the journey.  Now I'm not gonna sit on some bisexual pedestal and act like I haven't had sex for the sheer purpose of coming (re my first post in which I told you I have a habit of fucking men to get myself off). But in GENERAL the actual act of figuring out what your partner wants at the time (cuz lord knows people don't always crave the same kind of stimulation) is the fun part.

Like, it pisses me off when I'm fucking someone and you can tell they're just searching for the "spot." Does anyone else feel like that's very high school?
1. Why are you working so hard instead of enjoying my company?
2. My whole body is a spot- play with it.
3. Really? Just really.

But I digress.

At any rate talking about the rough touchers made me wanna talk about DIY sex toys. Because buying sex toys are fucking expensive and making shit is soooooo much fun! So next time I'll talk about making sex toys with things you can find at your local home depot.
