Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Nip Confusion

Hey Hey!
So...I've been on a little bit of a work binge. Hence the lack of posts. BUT. I'm going to try to post every Sunday.

Cool. On that note...
OK. So something that's been on my mind recently is how different everyone's nipples are. They come in all sorts of fun sizes! They can be long or short. Circular or slightly more oval. Hidden or pronounced. They can be tiny little chocolate chips or plump gumdrops.

But wait there's more!

They come in all these awesome color variations and textures and levels of sensitivity. AND they're fun to play with! Why? Because of all the things that can be done.

*stares into the distance*

Nibbling and sucking, or squeezing and licking, cov'ring in cream or just gently flicking. Pinching and clamping or pulling their rings (these are a few of my favorite things...)

But I think what most intrigues me is the level of sensitivity or responsiveness. Like have you ever been tonguing a nipple, knowing the girl isn't all that sensitive or interested in you doing that, but you keep going because you enjoy her breasts? No? That just me being selfish again? Oops.  Well the point is, you start out doing it for your boo thinking it's something that's going to stimulate and arouse them, just to realize you are doing NOTHING for them.  Do ya stop licking nips altogether? Or do ya try to figure out how they like them to be handled if at all?

Conversely, you've got the folks with uber super duper sensitive nips, we'll call them the insta-responders. Ya breathe too hard on them and the girl (or guy I suppose) might climax on the spot.  Which may just be one of the most validating, ego boosters in the sex world. Why? Because it makes you feel sexy. Like they're so attracted to you that the moment you so much as rub her nipples through her shirt she's ready to let you explore her. And who doesn't want to feel wanted? Then there's the teasing aspect. You take a piece of ice or something and kind of just fuck with her for shits and giggles. It's a total power trip. Albeit a little rude.

But then you have the in-betweeners. The ones who you can sometimes get a rise out of, but other times it almost feels like a waste of energy to touch the nipples at all. In my experience, they generally like breast play i.e. a hard palming of the entire breast, but may not always respond to direct nipple contact. I feel like you could almost lick circles around the nip (without touching it much) and be in business. But you can't not touch them, cuz you never know when they want you to take that initiative.

However, my absolute favorites are rough touchers. Because they like their breasts and nipples to be handled roughly. No holds barred. Hard biting, yanking chains attached to taut nipple by two bobby-pin-esque nipple clamps, pinching, smacking, twisting....*Deep inhale*

Anyway. You see my point.

Regardless of the nipples, I don't think the goal of sex is to get off. Orgasm tends to be a cool side effect of sex. If you think about it, sex is about the journey.  Now I'm not gonna sit on some bisexual pedestal and act like I haven't had sex for the sheer purpose of coming (re my first post in which I told you I have a habit of fucking men to get myself off). But in GENERAL the actual act of figuring out what your partner wants at the time (cuz lord knows people don't always crave the same kind of stimulation) is the fun part.

Like, it pisses me off when I'm fucking someone and you can tell they're just searching for the "spot." Does anyone else feel like that's very high school?
1. Why are you working so hard instead of enjoying my company?
2. My whole body is a spot- play with it.
3. Really? Just really.

But I digress.

At any rate talking about the rough touchers made me wanna talk about DIY sex toys. Because buying sex toys are fucking expensive and making shit is soooooo much fun! So next time I'll talk about making sex toys with things you can find at your local home depot.


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